Details Emerge on Alien: Covenant’s New Xenomorph Species

We’ve known for some time that Alien: Covenant will reconcile with fans who were disappointed by the fleeting appearance of a lone Xenomorph in Promotheus by being absolutely filled with the eyeless monstrosities, and now thanks to Michael Fassbender, we know the name of one of the particular variants that will be on offer.
Speaking to BBC Radio 2, he let slip that one of the new breeds of Xeno will be known as the Neomorph.
AvP Galaxy was able to obtain some exclusive details on said Neomorph creature: They owe their existence to an infestation of black goo across their planet which allowed the ecosystem to mutate. They also start life as pods growing on trees, which infect their hosts by entering via their ears and bursting out through their backs, a far cry from the usual Facehugger/Chestbuster approach.
Unlike most Xenomorphs, which are black in complexion, the Neomorph will also bear a distinct white tone. Their appearance is apparently based on an unused concept for an early draft of Prometheus, as shown in the art below.
Alien: Covenant is directed by Ridley Scott and also stars Noomi Rapace, Katherine Waterston, and Danny McBride. It will be released on August 4, 2017.