Tonight in the Den of Dread: Hide and Shriek and More Giveaways!

Happy almost Halloween, horror fans! ‘Tis the season to be spooky, and no one welcomes that more than the good folks in the Dread Central family.
Whether we’ll be spending our All Hallows’ Eve taking our tykes out trick-or-treating or at a party with the cool kids, we all agree this is a night that should be dedicated to scaring people shitless. Which is admittedly way easier when your victim is a 6-year-old/blackout drunk. Unfortunately, ever since some jackass made hanging around playgrounds in a clown costume “unacceptable behavior,” I have to figure out new ways to scare people.
The good folks at Funcom feel my pain and have graciously given me a new avenue to freak out my friends: digitally! And no, not in the “leave threatening voicemails” kind of way. In the fun video game kind of way.
Check out the trailer for Hide and Shriek:
So come hang out with me tonight at 6pm PT while I scare the crap out of some friends in this 1v1 multiplayer spook-er. Funcom is the same group that brought us The Park and The Secret World, so I’m looking forward to this one.
As always, either click this link or head to We have a few codes to give away again, so remember to subscribe and say hello if you want a chance to win!
Categorized:Horror Gaming News