Every Horror Film Ever Shatters Your Funny Bone


Time for another mid-afternoon Halloween snack as the gang over at Smosh just released their tricks and treats in the form of Every Horror Film Ever.

From the Press Release:
SMOSH – YouTube’s #1 comedy brand, hailed by TIME Magazine as the “SNL of the Internet” – today released the newest episode, about scary movies, in their “Every ___ Ever” series.

As a genre, scary movies have always earned a strong showing at the box office for thrill seekers looking for gore and suspense. This summer alone, four horror films cracked the $100 million mark in global ticket sales. But among the creative standouts, there are admittedly many flops lacking creativity.

The new video tackles the tired, old plotlines we’ve seen over and over again in horror flicks, including:

· Why are virgins immune to serial killers?
· Why do black guys die first?
· What’s the logic behind splitting up in the woods?

Dig it!

Every Horror Film Ever



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