The Hour of Sharktopus is Almost Upon Us

Saturday, September 25, 2010: A date that will forever go down in movie history as the day the world was graced with a motion picture about a hungry half-shark/half-octopus hybrid unleashed upon the world. Roger Corman produces. Eric Roberts stars. Declan O’Brian directs. Syfy is the channel. 9/8 Central with a midnight replay is the time. You have no excuses for not tuning in. Sharktopus: This is movie history we’re talking about.
If you need a further reminder of why you should tune in to Syfy on Saturday night to watch a movie about a shark-octopus mutant bred by the military to combat Somali pirates going haywire and turning a Mexican resort into a buffet, just watch this extended “producer’s cut” trailer for Sharktopus.
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