Happy Halloween from the FACE OF MICHAEL MYERS!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN, kids! This year, I’m celebrating by asking a rather loaded question: What if Halloween 4 had been good? Like, REALLY good? What if the face of Michael Myers had become something more than a typical slasher on the loose, tracked down by his half-mad former doctor, who by all rights should have burned to a crisp the last time we saw him?
Yeah, yeah, I know the REAL Halloween 4 has a few fans . . . but um, let’s face it: We probably deserved better. My worthless opinions about such things aside, I’ve created the image above for you to share and enjoy, celebrating Halloween 2016.
And in case you’re wondering what Halloween: The Face Of Michael Myers might actually have been like as a real movie, had Carpenter and Company been allowed one last gasp, I have some insight into the film’s tragic and turbulent production, in a swell bit of alternate history film journalism, which you can CLICK HERE to read. Fair warning, though. It’s totally epic.
Be safe tonight. The dead are among us . . .