AFM 2016: Beverly Hills Lizard People Ready to Reclaim What They Lost
The 2016 American Film Market kicked off today, which means you’ll be hearing about a lot of projects that may or may not ever come to fruition. One that we hope to see next year for sure is Beverly Hills Lizard People, from Cthulhu Crush Productions, the masterminds behind horror feature WTF!
Below you’ll find the early details plus some awesome concept art.
From the Press Release:
Cthulhu Crush Productions announces development of the new horror-comedy BEVERLY HILLS LIZARD PEOPLE, with filming to begin in 2017.
Produced by the shingle’s Jody Wheeler and Steve Parker, whose upcoming horror feature WTF! will be released shortly, the film is inspired by the legend that Lizard People live under the ground in Los Angeles (as reported in the papers in 1944!)… not to mention rule the world!
Fashioned in a similar tone to Slither and Scream, BEVERLY HILLS LIZARD PEOPLE will tell of an ancient race of shape-shifting Lizard People from the depths of the Earth who return to the surface to reclaim what was once theirs: Beverly Hills.
The project is scripted by Wheeler.
Disturbed from their ancient slumber by the excavation of a cross-town subway, the ancient reptilian masters of a faded empire strike out to reclaim what was once theirs: Beverly Hills. Ground zero for their invasion? A once popular, though now faded, hotel, currently the site of a reality TV cooking show competition and directly above their secret city.
Can the collection of unlikely contestants — ambitious, backstabbing, and determined — stop the shape-shifting terrors from below before the reptilian ravagers achieve their goal of conquering first Beverly Hills and then the world?