Blumhouse Partners with Texas Frightmare Weekend 2017

Y’all know how much I love Texas Frightmare Weekend. It’s the best con I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen a few. I was wondering who would be the sponsor next year given Fangoria’s ongoing issues. I couldn’t have hoped for a match like this., the Blumhouse Productions website (which is a great site all on its own), is now sponsoring the next Texas Frightmare Weekend, which runs May 5-7, 2017.
The amazing upstart studio specializing in low budget, high quality horror is now a part of the best horror convention in the world. There’s no way that can go wrong.
TFW 2017 already has a fantastic lineup of guests, including Bobby Millie Brown, Gaten Mattarazzo, and Caleb McLaughlin from Stranger Things, a massive collection of the cast of Rob Zombie’s 31, a reunion of the cast of Fright Night, Shannon Elizabeth, Michael Berryman, much of the cast of The Thing, and more… and we’re still over 6 months away!

Texas Frightmare Weekend 2017
The addition of Blumhouse will only bring even more amazing talent and events to an already stellar show. Some Blumhouse folks will be in attendance as well, such as the wonderful Rebeka McKendry and this really tall guy named Ryan Turek.
Hmm… he seems really familiar somehow. Maybe our own Foywonder can drive up from the swamplands and help me sort out where I know him from.
Tickets are available NOW for TFW 2017 at the website. Shop now to get discounts that will drop the closer we get to showtime!