Beware the Slenderman in this New Trailer

Beware the Slenderman, directed by Irene Taylor Brodsky, is a new documentary heading our way courtesy of HBO Documentary Films. We’ve been talking about it for quite a while, and today we finally have a trailer for it.
A creature of fantasy… an act of savagery… Beware the Slenderman premieres January 23rd.
In Beware the Slenderman, Brodsky uses the fictional figure to explore not only the effect that internet lore has on real-life actions, but also how the digital age is saturating the imagination and actions of children. You may recall the headlines back in 2014 when two young girls stabbed a classmate nearly twenty times and claimed that Slenderman made them do it; the director reportedly got exclusive access to the families of both girls charged with the crime.
On May 31, 2014, in the woods outside of Waukesha, Wisconsin, two 12-year old girls stabbed their classmate 19 times. This is the true story of what drove them to do it.