Less Than One Week Till DreadVision Returns With Night of the Creeps

It’s been one hell of a week, and I mean that literally. The smell of burning brimstone isn’t coming out of my upholstery anytime soon.
Night of the Creeps is a perfect example of a movie that will provide a mental palate cleanser. It’s 100% pure fun.
Next Tuesday, November 15th, at 9:30PM at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, Texas, I’ll be hosting the next installment of DreadVision, and Night of the Creeps is the flick of the month!
The Drafthouse, being wonderful, is going to be showing director Fred Dekker’s preferred cut of the movie with his preferred ending. That’s a solid way to celebrate the 30th anniversary of a lost classic like this.
As always, I’ll be bringing a Box of Dread to giveaway as well as other prizes. What’s more, if you’re an Alamo Victory Rewards member, you should have received an email stating that you can use your Buy One/Get One this week for DreadVision! TWO people for $7! You won’t find this much awesome for that price anywhere else.
Come out to see us if you’re anywhere near the DFW area. Support local independent movie houses, support horror, and support Dread Central!