Teen Wolf’s New Title Sequence Revealed; Jeff Davis Reflects on Ending the Show and Starting Let the Right One In & War of the Worlds

When MTV launched the “Teen Wolf” series back in 2011, few expected it last beyond a few years at best; but as it heads into its sixth and final season, the powers-that-be can hold their heads high because (for the most part) it has exceeded our expectations and looks to be ending things on a high note.
The network just released the main title opening sequence for Season 6, and you can check it out below along with a few comments from series creator/exec producer Jeff Davis (from Forbes), who next turns his attention to “War of the Worlds” for MTV and, of most interest to us, “Let the Right One In” for TNT.
When asked how high school will play into this season, Davis replied: “I’ve always shied away from the high school tropes. Other shows have totally embraced it. This is definitely a story that takes place in their senior year, and a little bit after, actually. You’ll have to wait and see.”
As for how this year’s big bads, the ghost riders, fulfill two purposes, he explained: “…the mythology around it was perfect for what we wanted to do. Ghost riders, the myth of the wild hunt, is that if you see them riding the storm above, if they catch your eye, they’ll take you with them. It was perfect for us. It allowed us to do a big story around an actor, who is now a movie star, around his schedule, [and] allowed us to make it very meaningful for all the characters…”
When queried as to this season’s format and whether we’ll be seeing some familiar faces (Tyler Hoechlin, we’re looking at you!), Davis sidestepped a bit: “It’s two story lines that are very much connected. That’s all I’ll tease about that… I’ve reached out to more than one person. Whether schedules and availability and desire allows for it, we’ll see. There’s one person I’m hopeful to get, I will say.”
And don’t expect to see any spin-offs: “Tyler Posey and I have always joked about how much fun it would be to do a Teen Wolf movie. I could definitely see something like that happening down the road, but right now there are no plans beyond these hundred episodes.”
Now, as for what’s ahead for Davis, he’s back with MTV for “War of the Worlds,” which he’s working on with writer Andrew Cochran and producer Josh Berry, grandson of Gene Berry, who starred in the original movie. Davis describes it as: “…something really interesting because it’s not like Independence Day, where it’s a huge sci-fi massive special effects extravaganza. It’s more POV from the ground up, with survivors desperately trying to figure out how to stop this alien invasion and occupancy… what we’ve developed is a very Michael Crichton-type thriller, which I think is a very interesting take on it, a nicely updated version of it. I’m also a huge fan of the Tom Cruise War of the Worlds. I think that’s one of Stephen Spielberg’s most underrated movies.”
And last, but certainly not least, what can we expect from the pilot for “Let the Right One In”? Davis raised our hopes, saying: “Filming is going great. I’m really happy with the cast we’ve assembled. I have to say, especially Ben Wadsworth and Kristine Froseth, the two young leads, are surprising us every day with how talented they are. The take on it is very much inspired by the book. I love the movie, Let the Right One In, the Swedish movie, but it wasn’t until I read the book where I thought, ‘Okay, I can see how this can be a TV series now, can definitely see it.’ It’s the story of [Bram Stoker’s] Renfield. It’s Dracula’s seduction, the way he brings in Renfield, the caretaker. That’s a very interesting POV, and to tell it from the eyes of kids… it’s a very adult story. It’s quite dark. We’ll see if it gets past the pilot stage.”
#REMEMBER… The final season of “Teen Wolf” premieres Tuesday, November 15th, at 9/8c on MTV.