‘Zine Review: Rue Morgue #58

Ah, The Descent. How I love this damn movie. It’s no small sign of a quality piece of horror cinema when both Fangoria and Rue Morgue feature it on their covers (though RM’s is a lot classier), and as one would expect, the article that goes along with it is top-notch stuff.

Said feature article is actually an interview with the film’s director, Neil Marshall, and while the focus is on the movie for the most part, attention is given in turn to the re-emergence of the British horror film, something Marshall himself had a hand in with his first feature, Dog Soldiers. Dave Alexander is the man behind the questions and does a good job covering all the bases (Marshall’s history, influence, and future) in the short amount of space given. There’s also a side bar piece on the film’s score, another article about the British horror trend in general, and a bit about the Dog Soldiers sequel, Fresh Meat.

Next up, Jason Lapeyre’s article on Horrorcore, the very odd mixture of hip-hop and horror that’s been around for decades but has never really taken off the way one would think. I have to admit, while as a rule I really don’t like hip hop in any form, it was fascinating to read about such an underground phenomenon that I was honestly unaware existed until I got this issue. Kudos to the Rue Crew for broadening my horizons!

Joseph O’Brien turns in a great interview with one of our favorite horror actresses (sorry, she’s too damn tough to be called a “scream queen”), Adrienne Barbeau, discussing the genesis of her new autobiography, ‘There Are Worse Things I Could Do’ (review), and just overall coming off as the classy lady she is.

Next up, Editor In Chief Jovanka Vukovic continues her artist focus with a look at the works of Chet Zar, whose line of twisted sculptures and paintings contains some truly disturbing creations. I would love to know how they find all this stuff…

Before the review section kicks in (featuring looks at Reeker, See No Evil, and Room 6 to name a few), Stuart Andrews turns in a one-page tribute to Fantasia, North America’s coolest horror and Asian cinema film festival, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary starting on July 6th. Since I’m going again this year, it was a welcome addition and helped get me even more excited for the fest. I really hope that it inspires people who have heard about it but never managed to make it out go the extra mile and not miss it this year. It is truly a fantastic time for all.

The rest of Issue 58 is the usual review/highlight fare with the standouts being Chris Alexander’s column (as always), “Blood in Four Colours” (the comics section that I always thoroughly enjoy but never manage to mention in these reviews), and the “Travelogue of Terror,” which is more history lesson than trip planner this month, but still a great read.

Be sure to check out Rue Morgue’s official site for more on this issue and to subscribe!

Johnny Butane

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