Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 92 – Dard Divorce

Amigo the Devil was supposed to be on this week’s episode. However, due to a last-minute change in plans, the show had to go on without him. The good news is we kept his film choice, and Amigo film choices are always batshit crazy!
We’re joined by curator and host of the Horrible Imaginings Film Fest, and our Dread Central colleague, Miguel Rodriguez to discuss German….splatter(?) film Dard Divorce.
We also go shroomin’ through Skull Island, give some holiday horror suggestions, Victor Crowley slashfic, the glory of the 90’s, the way we’re able to “suck dick collectively” and all of our impressions eventually become Toki from Dethklok.
I’m not a baller, but I’ll make it rain between your legs; it’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 92!
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