Raising the Curtain on Australia’s Monster Fest 2016

While all of us here in the U.S. will be celebrating Thanksgiving this weekend, Australia’s Monster Fest 2016 will be in full gear, showing an impressive lineup of horror, sci-fi, and fantasy films from around the world.
Only in its sixth year but growing fast, Monster Fest 2016 will take place at the Lido Cinemas in Melbourne, 675 Glenferrie Road (click here for ticketing info), from November 24-27th, so if you’re in the area and don’t already have a festival pass, do yourself a favor and do your part to support genre cinema.
Monster Fest’s opening film is the much buzzed about coming-of-age cannibal tale Raw with director Julia Ducournau in person. Other festival favorites of the year are also screening including Beyond the Gates featuring Barbara Crampton, The Autopsy of Jane Doe from the director of Troll Hunter, and Dearest Sister from Lao filmmaker Mattie Do.
Highlighting past and current contributions from Australian filmmakers as well, Monster Fest will also feature a number of events recognizing the fine genre work exported out of Australia over the years. Documentarian Mark Hartley, who crafted the unforgettable look into the crazed history of Ozploitation Not Quite Hollywood, will moderate a Master Class Event with Ted Kotcheff, director of the classic Aussie thriller Wake in Fright. Also, the Monster Academy section of the festival boasts numerous events spotlighting the country including the Producing Aussie Genre Now panel, Australia After Dark: Tales from the Golden Age of Ozploitation, and Romper Stomper: 25 Years Later.
There’s also a Nightmare VHS Board Game Party, a Saturday Morning All-You-Can-Eat Cereal Cartoon Party, and an all-night religious horror movie marathon from the fiendish folks over at Cult of Monster! So, why are we all traveling to grandma’s house right now instead of flying to Australia? If you’re in the Melbourne area, go and see something, participate in all these great events, and make some new friends!
Visit Monster Fest’s official website for more info.