One Week Till DreadVision Brings You Black Christmas

There’s only one week left till DreadVision December 2016!
The Alamo Drafthouse Richardson in DFW, Texas, in partnership with Dread Central, brings you a monthly film series featuring fantastic horror flicks on the big screen, hosted by yours truly, Mr. Dark. Every month we give away a Box of Dread chock-full of horror goodies, and this month is no exception.
The change this time around is that EVERYONE in attendance will leave with a present! It’s SWAG-A-GO-GO as I reach deep into my sack and hand out all kinds of horror goodness. (Are we still doing phrasing?)
This month’s feature simply had to be the original Black Christmas, directed by the legendary Bob Clark.
A classic holiday horror film, a holiday-themed challenge with November’s Box of Dread in the balance, Swag-A-Go-Go with presents for everyone, all for only $7!
Come out and see us at 9:30 on Monday, December 12th, and bring some good cheer… and maybe a bloody chainsaw or two.