Siverston’s Packed Future

Seems that directing his first decent-budgeted film is doing well for The Lost (review) helmer Chris Siverston. While he wraps up work on the aforementioned film, the Lindsay Lohan-starring I Know Who Killed Me, he dished the dirt to Fangoria about the plethora of projects he plans on tackling next.
Directing-wise, he’s moving on to Hippy when I Know… is all done, a project he told the mag is a ”brutal tale of drugs ‘n murder”. Specifically, the film is about a girl growing up in the 60’s whose mother is terrified she’ll become part of the hippie counterculture that all the kids are into, a fear that’s justified when she hooks up with some hippies passing through and takes some especially strong acid, which causes all hell to break loose.
Which just proves the old adage; never trust a hippy.
Following that he will produce (not direct as originally reported) Wicked Lake, which sounds like the sexiest movie ever. “It follows four ridiculously hot bisexual college girls on a weekend trip out to a remote mountain lake, who are followed by the deranged family of one of their classmates, who plan to terrorize them,” Siverston explained, “But the girls have secrets of their own, and the tables are quickly turned.”
Four ridiculously hot bisexual girls who can kick ass? I’m fucking there.
Finally, he revealed a new project he’s developing called Kentucky Teenage Vampires which, despite the exceedingly campy title, is actually about the serial killer Rod Ferrell, who thought he was a vampire and did bad things with that knowledge. He promises another gritty, realistic horror movie like The Lost, which he also said will finally be out sometime this year.
Keep it here for more details on all these very cool sounding projects, especially the drool inducing Wicked Lake, as we learn ‘em!
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