Colin Farrell to be Sent to Mars to Experience Total Recall?

Here’s an odd bit of news that honestly seems a bit premature, but since we live in a world where everyone is trying to beat everyone else to the punch news-wise, here we go …
According to The Hollywood Reporter’s Heat Vision Blog the list of stars being considered for the lead role in the Total Recall remake (which was originally held by Arnold Schwarzenegger) has been narrowed down considerably with Colin Farrell (pictured right along with his eyebrows), Tom Hardy and Michael Fassbender at the top of the wish list; but here’s the rub … as of press time no offers have gone out to anyone! Um … so we’re not quite sure how this is news just yet, but okay.
The original 1990 movie, which was based on a Philip K. Dick story, We Can Remember It for You Wholesale, followed a man haunted by a recurring dream of journeying to Mars who buys a literal dream vacation from a company called Rekall Inc., which sells implanted memories. The man comes to believe he is a secret agent and ends up on a Martian colony, where he fights to overthrow a despotic ruler controlling the production of air.
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