EA Sailing into the Sea of Solitude

EA publishing an original IP? Now there’s a news story in itself. But unbelievable as it may sound, the publisher who were twice named the “Worst Company in America” by the Consumerist recently launched a new line called EA Originals to distribute titles from small indie developers. Now, I’ve criticized EA in the past (don’t get me started again on Star Wars Battlefront’s lack of a campaign), but helping passionate creators to get there work out into the world is certainly something to be commended.
The second title that they’ll be releasing under the EA Originals line is Sea of Solitude, which is being developed by Jo-Mei Games over in Germany. It’s set in a world where humans transform into hideous beasts due to loneliness. The game’s poster below is also a cool homage to Jaws, so kudos to them for that.
EA’s Executive Vice President Patrick Söderlund wrote up an article explaining how Sea of Solitude will offer gamers a unique experience, so the publisher clearly feel that they’ve found something special. They may still release countless FIFA sequels every year, but for once, EA really are living up to their old slogan of challenging everything.
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