The Telluride Horror Show Puts Out Call for Films

Listen up, filmmakers! One of our favorite festivals, the Telluride Horror Show, which takes over Telluride, Colorado, in October, just announced they’re taking film submissions! Read on for details!
From the Press Release:
The 2017 Telluride Horror Show has announced its Call for Entries. We’re currently seeking short and feature length films in the following genres: Horror, Thriller, Suspense, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Genre Comedy, and Genre Documentary.
Filmmakers are encouraged to visit SUBMIT YOUR FILM for more information regarding the submission process, fees, and deadlines. The April 15, 2017, early bird deadline allows filmmakers to save big on the required submission fee.
In addition to our Call for Entries, we’ve released a new video trailer, which can be viewed on our WEBSITE. The trailer was produced by our friends at Denver-based Rocket House Pictures.
Dates have been slated for the 2017 festival, which will kick off on Friday the 13th of October, running through Sunday, October 15th. Genre fans and filmmakers will experience the world’s greatest and latest films at Telluride’s historic Sheridan Opera House, Nugget Theatre, and the “Gargoyle Room” at Wilkinson Public Library.
Named one of “The 20 Coolest Film Festivals” and “13 Film Festivals to Die For” by MovieMaker Magazine, our 8th edition promises to keep with the programming integrity of past festivals.
Three-day Passes will go on sale May 1, 2017. Last year’s festival sold out early, so we encourage horror film fans to plan ahead!