Snakes on a Christmas Tree! Someone Call Sam Jackson!

Christmas trees. They’re just beautiful, man! The lights! The tinsel! The ornaments! The deadly reptiles! Wait… what?
According to CNN, an Australian woman made a shocking discovery this past Sunday when she spotted a deadly snake wrapped like tinsel around her Christmas tree. The woman, known as Cheryl, immediately called professional snake catcher Barry Goldsmith to her home in Frankston, a Melbourne suburb.
It turned out she’d had a lucky escape. “The snake is among the most dangerous of Australia,” Goldsmith told CNN. Tiger snakes, very common in Southern Australia during summer, are protected in many states and usually released back into the wild when found inside houses.
Tiger snakes are extremely dangerous animals who don’t even die right away when beheaded. In fact, a beheaded tiger snake’s head can live for quite a while when detached from its body and is still capable of biting and killing a human when in its severed state.
Scary stuff, kids! Merry Christmas!