Foywonder’s Saw 3D Rambling Audio Rant

After a long day capped off with late three-dimensional torture porn absurdity, and with no Uncle Creepy around to record an immediate Saw-centric Foycast, I jotted down a few talking points to guide me as I sat down to record what I intended to be a brief solo audio review of Saw 3D that ended up a 17-minute rant of me rambling (at times only semi-coherently) about how mentally challenged this latest sequel is and how far gone the whole franchise has become.
If it’s Halloween, it must be Saw. Yeah, well, I think it’s about time a lot of us trick or treaters rose up and took our holiday movie season back from this infernal franchise. Let my words beckon your call to arms. We would not like to play this game anymore.
Listen if you dare … or if you have absolutely nothing better to do with your life for the next 17 minutes. Click on the image below to let the fireworks begin!

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