What’s Freddy’s Favorite Treat this Year? Tequila, Bitch!

DC briefly caught up with Robert Englund today to chat about his plans for Halloween, and yup, the great gloved one is planning on taking it kinda easy this year with a stack of movies and a case of Hornitos Tequila that the company recently sent along to him.
Anticlimactic, you say? Not until you realize that Englund is only sticking close to home to keep some hellraising fans the hell off of his lawn. Here’s how the ever-breathless man himself briskly explained things to me:
“This year I gotta protect my yard – I’m gonna go home and guard the yard. Because I got hit by fans last year – they toilet-papered my house and they melted a giant paraffin Freddy claw on the bricks coming up to my front door. So what I’m gonna do is I’m letting my wife hand out some real fancy candy this year, and I’ve got a stack of DVDs that I’ve been accumulating all year from the various film festivals I attend or sometimes I’m on the jury of a film festival in Europe or here in the States. And a lot of young directors and independent directors come up and give me their little horror movies and I’m kinda behind on watching ‘em. So I’m inviting some people over, and the good people at Hornitos gave me a complimentary case of tequila. So I’m gonna have a little tequila party at the house, and I’m gonna be upstairs, well-lubricated, and we’re gonna go through this stack of DVDs on the flat screen. Occasionally, I think I’ll wander out on the balcony and growl and cackle at the Freddy fans and make sure they don’t mess with my yard. [With Freddy’s voice] ‘DON’T TRICK FREDDY, PUNKS!’”
“Well-lubricated,” eh? Thank you, Robert – the idea of Freddy getting sloshed just made my Halloween, but hearing Freddy’s voice come blasting through my phone just made my year. I’ll drink to that!
Here’s the recipe for the “Devil’s Handshake”, a new cocktail Englund plans on trying this year. Consider it a special Halloween treat for you fans who will, like me, want to imagine that you’re possibly drinking the same thing Krueger is at the same time:
1 ½ parts Hornitos™ Plata Tequila
3/4 parts lime juice
1/2 part simple syrup
1 part pineapple juice
1 tsp sweet ginger puree
1/4 part egg white
For those who want to try other Freddy-inspired cocktails, there is a batch of varying recipes out there (my favorite of which contains vermouth, vodka and a habanero chili). One Freddy drink that Englund recalls is, appropriately, a spin on a Boilermaker. “I actually had one offered to me by a girl dressed as Freddy, with one of the sweaters on as a mini-skirt. She had fishnet nylons, high heels and the Freddy fedora and the glove and everything. And that was a pretty interesting drink!”
Here’s to your Halloween, Mr. Englund!
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