Sea Monster on the Loose in The Gasp Menagerie

Things have been quiet on the sea monster front. Nessie is apparently history, with no sightings for so long the general theory is that whatever it was is dead. Champ hasn’t shown up in Champlain in an age; Ogopogo is also lying low.
There have been a number of stories of Alaska-area sightings of creatures in the sea, even supposedly crystal clear footage of many cadborosaurus juveniles that was to air on Discovery but never surfaced. Said to be viewed by two famed cryptozoologists, this footage showed several juvenile animals fitting the Caddy description fleeing attacking beluga whales, but it was never released to the public.
Now, we have amateur footage from that same region that just might be a sighting of what has become known as “Caddy.”
The footage is brief but, unless it has been digitally altered, appears to show a ridge-backed creature of some great length swimming in the icy waters. This fits the description of the cadborosaurus, an ancient sea dinosaur that some believe may have survived.
(For a more details examination of a previous find thought by many to be a cadborosaurus, see this link discussing the so-called “Naden Harbor Carcass” found in 1937.)
So what is it? Do we have video evidence of an ancient sea creature, still living in small numbers in the arctic waters of Alaska? Is it another animal being mistaken for a cryptid? Is it an extremely effective hoax?
Explore The Gasp Menagerie!
Have a weird story? Potential evidence of the supernatural, or at least something hard to explain? Spot any creepy critters out there roaming the wilds? LET ME KNOW! I’d love to talk about it and possibly write it up right here in the Gasp Menagerie. You’ll get appropriate credit, of course, and everyone else will get fresh creepy (as opposed to fresh Creepy, which, trust me… nobody wants that) to enjoy. As always, I can be found at [email protected]. Now get out there, find some weird, and let’s get this party started.