Join Us Wednesday For Last Girl Standing at DreadVision

It’s almost here, the first DreadVision of 2017!
With the new year comes a new step in the DreadVision plan: our pick for this month is a new movie that’s never seen wide release in theaters. Dread Central is your independent source for ALL things horror, past, present, and future, and that’s reflected in DreadVision. We’ve featured classics so far, and have another classic on deck for February, but this month we’re flexing our muscles and bringing you Last Girl Standing, a fantastic new indie horror film released in November on VOD and disc.
Not only that, but the writer/director, Ben Moody, will be on hand to sign your swag and answer your questions about the film!

Last Girl Standing Director Ben Moody
All of this happens Wednesday night, January 11th, at the Alamo Drafthouse in Richardson, TX. All you DFW horror fans (and anyone regional who loves horror enough to make a road trip) come on out for this very special night. As always, tickets are $7 and there will be a challenge to give away a Box of Dread to one lucky winner. This will be December’s Friday the 13th-themed Box, so you know what you’re competing for.
We’ll also have some LGS one-sheets available for you to get signed by Ben.
Kick off the new year with DreadVision, hosted by yours truly!