Exclusive: Two New House on Haunted Hill Films on their Way! Terry Castle Talks Penning Her Own Prequel!

William Castle fans, rejoice! Not one, but two new takes on one of the most beloved movies of Castle’s illustrious career, House on Haunted Hill, are officially on their way ;and we sat down with Castle’s daughter, Terry, to get the scoop on one of them… HER OWN!
Deadline broke the news today that Jason Pagan and Andrew Deutschman (Project Almanac, Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension) are in the process of writing a new House on Haunted Hill for Warner Bros. But the fun doesn’t end there…
“Funny! I just finished a House on Haunted Hill script myself,” Castle tells us exclusively! “A prequel penned by Terry Castle! I am about to go out with it! As it turns out, I have House on Haunted Hill in my blood… so, let the best man…. excuse me, woman, WIN! I have some of Dad’s original notes for a prequel, and I am running with them. If you remember, Annabelle Loren (Carol Ohmart) was not Frederick’s first wife! My film will be produced under the WILLIAM CASTLE PRODUCTIONS banner. ”
The original House on Haunted Hill premiered in 1959 with the cool EMERGO gimmick in which a skeleton would fly out over the crowd, and it starred Vincent Price as Frederick Loren. The film was remade in 1999 with Geoffrey Rush in the starring slot and no aforementioned flying skeleton.
Of the two projects… our money is on Castle to really deliver the delightfully disturbing goods!