The Bye Bye Man Says Hello to Great Box Office Take! New Viral Video!

Having seen The Bye Bye Man (review), in theaters now, over the weekend, I can’t help but feel as if lots of people rode it unnecessarily hard. Is it a perfect movie? No. But its heart is definitely in the right spot, and it’s lots of fun at times.
Like it or not, the film over-performed this weekend at the box office, and that just may spell h-e-l-l-o to a sequel. I mean, it did for Ouija, and look how well that turned out!
In any event, according to Box Office Mojo, STX’s The Bye Bye Man came in with a fifth place finish as it took advantage of its Friday the 13th release date. The PG-13 chiller outperformed expectations, delivering an estimated $13.38 million over the weekend and is expected to top $15 million for the four-day MLK holiday, which would more than double the film’s $7.4 million production budget.
Internationally the film debuted in eleven markets and brought in an estimated $1.3 million, including a seventh place opening in the UK with an estimated $700k. The film will debut in Brazil on February 9 followed by releases in Mexico (March 17), Italy (April 19), Germany (April 20), and Spain (May 5).
Did you see the flick? Tell us what you thought below after digging this neat lil viral video that was just released…