See an Exclusive Sneak Peek of Ghosts in the Hood Episode 1.04 – Inglewood Always Up to No Good

WE tv’s “Ghosts in the Hood” has turned out to be quite a fun little series for those of us who are fans of the paranormal; and we hope you guys have had a chance to check out the show during its first few weeks.
Coming up this Thursday is Episode 1.04, “Inglewood Always Up to No Good,” and we have an exclusive clip from the ep to help you get ready for it!
“Ghosts in the Hood” Episode 1.04 – “Inglewood Always Up to No Good” (1/26/17; 10pm ET/PT)
A sexy realtor calls the O.P.O. into action. Uncomfortable with selling a property as “haunted,” she hopes that Defecio and the team can rid the place of any ghosts. Through their investigation, it becomes obvious that a demon is amongst them! In “Exorcist” fashion, Defecio calls upon a priest in order to banish the aggressive soul.
Meanwhile, a cantina manager is in need of answers as to what’s haunting the late night staff. It appears that a passionate spirit still carries a fiery rhythm across the dance floor!
Meet O.P.O.:
- Defecio Stoglin – The CEO of O.P.O., Defecio was compelled by his passion for the paranormal and founded and created Official Paranormal Operations to help out everyday people who are dealing problems of the supernatural kind. With his keen and eager eye for investigating, Defecio tries to bring peace of mind to his clients.
- Jasmine Orpilla – A verified medium, Jasmine comes to speak to the departed spirits that inhabit the haunted sites investigated by O.P.O. Jasmine has been communicating with spirits for quite a number of years and as a result has honed and developed her contact skills to the other side.
- Dave Purdy – The technical expert for O.P.O., Dave has a passion for all things technical and a knack for building his own gear. He builds and creates the gear used to collect evidence of paranormal activity for clients, and he is the lead on revealing the found evidence once the investigation is over. His love for the paranormal and talent for creating innovative technologies makes him the perfect tech expert for O.P.O.
- Matty Richards – A family friend of Defecio from New York, Matty is also a budding comedian and actor, providing much needed comic relief for the group, as well as being O.P.O.’s resident scaredy cat. Although he has no previous ghost-hunting skills, he is currently learning the ins and outs to help O.P.O. any way he can.
- Maunda Oyin – As the group’s chief researcher, Maunda does anything she can to supply context for the frightening situations the crew is about to head into. Using her naturally inquisitive mind, Maunda digs into the history of every haunting, going to libraries, records offices, even traveling door-to-door in the neighborhoods where they’re investigating, to maximize O.P.O.’s chances of discovering information useful to their case.