Richard Kelly Talks True Sequel to Donnie Darko

Let’s face it, that so-called Donnie Darko sequel, S. Darko, wasn’t what fans were hoping for. Not even close. Director of the original Richard Kelly, who had no involvement with that mess, has a keen idea for a true sequel, and he recently shared a bit with the masses.
“I think there’s something much bigger and more ambitious to do in that universe,” Kelly tells HMV. “It’s big and expensive and I think there’s time to get to that. I want to make sure we’ve got the budget to do it justice and not to compromise anything. Another story in this world needs resources and we need to have that in place. I need to get my next film out of the gate and then we can go back and look at it.”
Kelly was out promoting Arrow’s new special edition of Donnie Darko which is available now in the UK. No word yet on a Stateside release.