Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 100 – The Bye Bye Man

Well, here it is! Episode 100! After 4 years of blood, sweat and tears, this is all we have to show for it. Neat-o.
We know, we know. We missed last week, and this episode is late; our server got attacked, preventing us from posting until it was fixed. But uhhh… this is a pretty good episode here, so like, be grateful, fucknuts.
We look back at some of our favorite episodes, guests, bits, etc. Matt regales us with tales from the Far East, and then, oh boy. Then we start talking about The Bye Bye Man. The term “Gallows mad” gets thrown around, Matt laughs, Jorge cries, Chris pleasures himself; what, did you think we’d be doing something special? Ha!
Without memory, there can be no retribution; it’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 100!!!
The Who Goes There Podcast is available to subscribe to on iTunes right here. Not an iTunes user? You can listen on our Dread Central page. Can’t get enough? We also do that social media shit. You’ll find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
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