Witch’s Brew Stirs Up An Inebriated Trailer

When the ever vigilant Avery sent me over word of a new horror film titled Witch’s Brew, I was disappointed to learn it was not based on the penny machine of the same name I once won $50 on at a local casino. This Witch’s Brew is a gross-out horror comedy about the gory things that happen when beermakers piss off mistresses of the dark arts.
The possibly drunken creation of writer-director Chris LaMartina, the premise of Witch’s Brew goes a little something like this:
Two microbrewers screw over a coven of witches, and in turn, the coven curses their latest batch of beer. From that point forward, anyone who drinks the cursed alcohol meets a gruesome ironic demise.
Watching the teaser trailer for this beer-soaked splatter flick, I couldn’t help but think Strange Brew meets Class of Nukem High. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Mr. LaMartina gets a call from Lloyd Kaufman at any moment.
Check out Witch’s Brew on Facebook. Watch the teaser trailer below. Have a cold one on me.
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