Charles Band’s Evil Bong 666 Lights Up Indiegogo

You’d better be prepared to be as high as a kite because Charles Band’s Evil Bong 666 has launched on Indiegogo.
This film is fully financed & YOU can make it even better with more practical effects & surprises!
Hi, I’m Charles Band, and you probably know I’ve made hundreds of movies over the last 30 years! Films like Puppetmaster, Subspecies, Trancers, Ghoulies, Re-Animator, and the list goes on for almost 300 films. And you can watch most of them instantly on, our Amazon Prime Channel, or on DVD/Blu-ray at
If you’re on Facebook, please click “GOING,” and invite your friends! This film is fully financed and will go into production in early 2017, but YOU can make it even better!
Now, things sure have changed in the last few years! Your local video store is probably a laundromat, and the way we connected for decades is gone. So we’re reaching out to you, our awesome fans, directly and asking you to help make our next productions even more far-out with more practical effects, stop-motion animation, amazing puppetry, and surprises.