New Viral Video Lends Peek into Neill Blomkamp’s Next Project

If science and movies have taught us one thing, it’s that gene-splicing and playing God is never a good thing. Man isn’t meant to have the power to create new life forms, and even if we can, it doesn’t mean that we should. No good could possibly come from doing so. But luckily for us a whole lot of horror can!
A reader of /Film tipped the site off to the latest online issue of Wired Magazine, where a disturbing viral teaser for Neill Blomkamp’s next flick was hiding.
“The video, which you can watch for yourself embedded after the jump, features two young men who discover a dead alien-looking creature in a puddle on the side of a dirt road,” writes /Film. “The creature has a circular stamp on its side which reads ‘18.12 AGM Heartland Pat Pend USA’ and the outer circle reads ‘US Inspected And Approved’.”
The site continues “18.12 is the number of the issue of WiReD that this video appears in. I did some searching and found out that a Beverly Hills-based company named Sable Productions Ltd. filed for the trademark ‘AGM Heartland’ on October 18th, 2010. The trademark use is labeled as:
Entertainment services by way of an online website with video, audio and textual content and images featuring characters and storylines about a fictional genetic engineering company that produces genetically engineered and altered organisms.”
Dig on the chilling video, and share your thoughts below.
Neill Blomkamp Viral Video
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