Texas Chain Saw Scribe Back with Boneboys

The co-directing team of The Wild Man of the Navidad, Duane Graves and Justin Meeks, are back once again for a new flick, this time with writer Kim Henkel of the original The Texas Chain Saw Massacre fame, to deliver another tale of Texas-sized terror, Boneboys.
According to the Dallas News Boneboys is now filming in Dallas, Texas. Inspired by Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal, in which the author suggested, tongue firmly in cheek, that cannibalism might be a good notion. Henkel’s script looks at the descendants of a culture that adopted just that philosophy. “They discovered that eating human flesh is highly addictive,” Henkel tells the news outlet. “Eat too much and it turns you into a monster.”
Chain Saw fans will enjoy a few cameos by Ed Neal, who played the infamous hitchhiker in the original film, and John Dugan, who was the grandfather. Bill Johnson, Leatherface in 1986’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, pops up as Mr. Grimm, a baker who tries to lure the innocent into his shop.
Look for more on this one soon!

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