The WTF Friday Video of the Week: The 2010 Feud of the Year!


There are lots of things we really dig other than horror around the Dread Central offices. As long as it’s bizarre in some fashion, we’re all in. One thing we have a passion for is wrestling that’s not of the PG-rated WWE brand or the old folks home known as TNA. Give us Dragon Gate, New Japan, Ring of Honor, and of course Luche Libre any day! Speaking of which …

This Friday we have footage from what has to be the greatest feud in wrestling history. And the weirdest, too.

Be warned, dear reader! Once you watch the video below, you can never unsee it. It will burn your retinas and scar your psyche for many years to come. In short, it’s the good stuff!

Have a suggestion for our WTF Friday Video of the Week? Click my name below and send it on over. If it makes us giggle or just plain confuses us, we’ll include it! Rock on!

Uncle Creepy

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