Children of the Corn: The Dweller – Reshoots Film Behind the Rows!

Well … here’s a surprise. Reshoots on a movie that’s only being made to hang on to the rights of a franchise? Whodathunkit? Alas, the latest entry for the seven people out there looking forward to another Children of the Corn sequel is undergoing reshoots for the sake of adding more children to said corn.
The Hollywood Insider reported on a rumor (later confirmed by our bros at Moviehole) that Children of the Corn: The Dweller needed more ‘Children of the Corn’ so there’s a prologue being filmed, set in Nebraska, with more of them creepy kids we’ve grown to want to just punch in the face.
Casting agents are on the lookout for a “male, Caucasian, 9-11 years old, slight build, with longish hair” to play “a young killer in the making. He brandishes a knife while dressed in his mother’s dresses and a wig. He also wears lipstick.”
Oh my.
TIM and ALLIE are heading out of LA and into the very warm California desert environs to see TIM’s father. The car overheats and they are forced to stay overnight at the home of a questionable couple and their young child…

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