Entity Remake Gets a Writer

I wasn’t the the least bit surprised to hear about a remake of 1981’s The Entity, the primo poltergeist-rapes-a-woman horror movie that was supposedly based on a true story, too. The Ring director Hideo Nakata has been on board the project from the beginning, and now, according to Moviehole, Fox Atomic has a writer on board as well.
Her name is Amy Holden Jones, and she does have some horror cred, having directed the original Slumber Party Massacre back in 1982. She was also one of the four screenwriters credited for The Relic. Then again, her other credits include writing and directing Maid to Order (YIKES!) and The Rich Man’s Wife (DOUBLE YIKES!) as well as having penned screenplays for Mystic Pizza and Indecent Proposal. She’s also the woman responsible for having given the world the Beethoven franchise. Not sure how I feel about this…
The original starred Barbara Hershey as a single mom who enlists some collegiate ghostbusters to help save her from being tormented and sexually assaulted by a violent poltergeist. Thank goodness this movie took place in the pre-ectoplasm days; I’m hoping this remake also forsakes giving us any supernatural money shots. Anyway, if anyone from Fox Atomic is reading this, I’d like to make a suggestion for who should star in the remake – Ashley Judd. She’s a beautiful actress who is great at playing women under mental duress, she’s in the right age bracket for the role, and she has no problem getting naked on cue. Sign her up, Fox!
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