Women in Horror Month – Important Voices in the Genre

Given that it’s February and Women in Horror Month, we here at Dread Central would like to take a few moments to acknowledge some of the genre’s most important voices. Keep kicking ass, ladies!
Barbra Crampton – Barbara has been killing it in the genre for decades and, like many of her peers before her such as Elvira, Sigourney Weaver, and Jamie Lee Curtis, has transcended the term Scream Queen. She’s gone above and beyond through her talent, her hard work, and her kindness to fans. We’re lucky to have her!
Kailey Marsh – With her yearly Blood List, Kailey has gone on to find not only some of the biggest and brightest talents in the industry, but also a treasure trove of terror tales just waiting to explode. If you’re a new filmmaker looking to get started, The Blood List just may be your most important first step.
Sandy King Carpenter – The wife and producing partner of legendary director John Carpenter, Sandy has plenty of reasons to sit on her laurels. That’s not in her though. I’m not sure she even has an “off switch.” She’s the first one to lend a hand in any situation when needed and genuinely wants nothing more than to help further our favorite genre. To check out just some of Sandy’s current projects, head on over to Storm King Productions.
Shannon McGrew – Shannon’s written for various sites over the years, but the crux of her work can be found on the Nightmarish Conjurings website. Thanks in part to her get up, get in there, and do it attitude, Shannon’s quickly becoming one of the highest rising and most important voices in our genre. Keep an eye on her; she’s going places!
Debi Moore – Debi Moore is someone I’m very proud of. Full disclosure: She’s also the love of my life. That being said, as a professional I can put that all aside and take a moment to recognize her hard work and for being my true right-hand person in this crazy endeavor called Dread Central. Over the years her voice has proved to be both thoughtful and insightful. Nowadays, whether you’re a male or a female, that’s a true rarity!
Jovanka Vuckovic – I remember Jovanka from her days at Rue Morgue. Even then it was apparent that there’s a fire in her that I don’t ever think will go out. She’s paved the way for a lot of female horror journalists and is now moving steadily into other areas of the genre. Watching her grow and stretch her legs has been nothing short of inspirational. You can see what she’s currently up to over on her official website.
Rebekah McKendry – Rebekah can currently be found over on Blumhouse.com, but her horror roots run deep. Here’s someone who has dealt with a whole lot of crazy in our industry and always come out the other side unscathed thanks to her intelligence, wonderful attitude, and work ethic. Expect nothing but good things no matter what she’s doing!
The Soska Sisters – What more could be said about Jen and Sylvia? They’re one of the smartest, most energetic, and visionary duos working today. Their films always have just the right amount of sick in them to please fans, and they’re showing not a single sign of slowing down. They truly love what they do, love why they do it, and love the genre. Man, does it show too.
Our Festival Goddesses – The next few women take a lot of time out of their lives each year to put on three of the most kick-ass film festivals on the West Coast and quite possibly worldwide. Rachel Belofsky of Screamfest; Heidi Honeycutt, Stacy Pippi Hammon, and Kayley Viteo of The Etheria Film Night; and Denise Gossett of Shriekfest. You folks have given many filmmakers the playground to play in, and don’t think for a second it isn’t appreciated. You’re all loved beyond words. Thank you.
This list could go on, but to wrap things up, here are a few extra shout-outs: Axelle Carolyn, Amy Allan, Staci Layne Wilson, Brooke Lewis, Jen Yamato, Gale Anne Hurd, Anne Rice, Julie Plec, Jennifer Blanc-Biehn, Jessica Cameron, Heather Wixson, and everyone else who busts their asses on a daily basis for the genre.
Ladies, whether you’re on this list or not… we here at Dread Central salute you. Your drive is something to be admired. Happy Women in Horror Recognition Month. THIS IS YOUR TIME! LIVE IT UP!