Sony Finds Horror Behind a /reddoor

Horror movies and video games have been going hand in hand for ages, just like horror movies and music. Why? Because we like cool shit and we like it to sound good. Truth be told, no one has been able to find the right mixture of the two onscreen despite some failed attempts like Stay Alive, Brainscan, Gamer, etc.
Sony is looking to change all that as Deadline is reporting that the studio pre-empted the supernatural thriller spec, /reddoor over the weekend for producers Barry Josephson, Liz Bassin and Jim Wedaa, about a young journalist who discovers the new app game he is reviewing has the ability to kill the player once they’ve entered the game world. The project is said to be in the spirit of The Ring and Ready Player One as the journalist must stop the game before both he and his sister end up becoming its victims.
The spec was written by Teddy Tenenbaum and Minsun Park. Bassin brought it into Josephson’s company. Josephson, a former studio executive, has produced in both TV (“Bones”) and film and is readying Disenchanted with Amy Adams now. Wedaa, who reps the writers with Paradigm, last produced the horror thriller The Boy (which had a China bow) as well as Unstoppable.
More on this one as it comes in.