H.R. Giger On Board Alien Prequels

Here’s some interesting news coming out of Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel camp — Turns out legendary artist and creature designer H.R. Giger is on board for Scott’s upcoming prequel(s), and that’s bound to make any fan of the series ecstatic.
The news comes from AVP Galaxy who recently translated an interview with Giger’s wife, Carmen Scheifele, from an overseas show in which she confirms her husband’s involvement.
“HR Giger, Schöpfer der “Alien”-Figur für den 1979 entstandenen Film von Ridley Scott, wird erneut mit dem Regisseur zusammenarbeiten. Dies bestätigte die Frau des Schweizer Künstlers, Carmen Scheifele, in der Sendung “glanz & gloria” des Schweizer Fernsehens. Ihr Mann sei “on board”, also dabei, sagte Scheifele. Es werde sicher einen 3D-Film geben, wahrscheinlich aber zwei. Geplant sei ein Prequel, das die Geschichte vor dem ersten Alien-Film erzählt.”
Thanks to the nifty iGoogle translator we get this …
“HR Giger, creator of “Alien” figure for the 1979 film by Ridley Scott, will be incurred once again [to] work with the director. This confirmed the wife of the Swiss artist, Carmen Scheifele, in the TV show “Glanz & Gloria” on Swiss television. Her husband was “on board, that is it,” said Scheifele. It would certainly be a 3D movie, but probably two. The plan is a prequel that tells the story before the first Alien movie.”
Pretty sweet. Dig on video of the interview below, and look for more soon.
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