Nick Damici Talks Stake Land II and More!

His character is fairly silent, ever-so-retrospective, but effectively lethal against those damned vampires. In the Stake Land movie series, he’s known as “Mister,” but his real name is Nick Damici, and we here at Dread Central were lucky enough to snag a few moments with him to discuss the latest entry into the timeline, what he really thinks about the character, and what’s up his sleeve afterwards – sit back, read on and enjoy!
DC: Nick, for the people who might need a bit of a catch-up on the storyline, what’s happening in this chapter, and what’s new this time around with Mister?
ND: It takes place about 5-6 years after the completion of the first film, and Mister’s gone back to fight vamps. Martin went to New Eden and had a child with his wife, and after a tragedy Martin is once again on his own, and he sets out to find Mister. Together they reunite to go out after the vampires responsible for what happened.
DC: This is your second go-around as the character – what is it that speaks to you about him? Do you find portraying this character has both pros and cons?
ND: I love playing him, and the whole aspect of getting to play this kind of cowboy character, and it’s also an interesting world as well – the character’s fun to play, but it’s the whole apocalyptic world that we’re in is what interests me – civilization slowly degrading backwards in time, which is very well what would happen if we took away governments and all the things that sort of hold us together. We’d find it like the Old West and eventually regress back into the Middle Ages and then back into the Stone Age, obviously. Maybe that’s where we belong in the long run – we should have never left.
DC: What can you tell us about the filming – looks as if things got pretty physical for you on set.
ND: Yeah, I’m not a young pup anymore, and it wears me down – it was pretty good, not too bad. We filmed in Saskatchewan – it’s beautiful up there, and we had a lot of stunts to pull off, but nothing that was too outrageous. Hanging on a cross is not a lot of fun, but outside of that it was all right. The fight stuff, I can handle, but they make me look good (laughs).
DC: You’ve not only had your share of roles in the past, but you’ve written and produced as well – any one of those a particular favorite of yours and one that you can see yourself focusing in on as your career goes forward?
ND: Well, I’d love to keep doing all three if I could – writing and acting you can do as long as you want, and the producing thing kind of comes with what I do – they pay you a little more money and give you a bit more power when you call yourself a “producer” . I don’t really know what that means, producing – basically, I’m the creative end of that, and I get the credit for it, so I’ll take it.
DC: Lastly, after the release of Stake Land II, what can fans expect to see from you down the road?
ND: We’ve got the second season of “Hap & Leonard” coming out this March – we’re editing that right now, and it looks great – I think it’s going to be a really good series on Sundance. Outside of that, I’ve got myself a project with Joe Landsdale coming up soon – it’s a movie I’d be acting in from a property of his, so we’ll see if that pans out, and another movie with a guy I met while doing Stake Land II, and he sent me a script that I’m really interested in, so we’re trying to get that up and running. I’m also pitching a detective series of books, based upon a Russian detective book series that was out in the 80’s – it was like, 16 books, so I’m trying to pitch that as well.