One-Sheet and Not Safe for Work Trailer Debut – The Victim

And the holiday work week has begun officially winding down, but as per usual the indie folks are still hard at work churning out the goods, and we’ll be here to support them and keep you guys informed! Next up are some eye candy and a naughty, grindhouse-feeling trailer for the Michael Biehn directed The Victim.
The Victim stars Michael Biehn (Terminator, Aliens, Grindhouse), Ryan Honey (“ER,” Hallowed Ground), Jennifer Blanc (“Dark Angel,” “Party of Five”), Denny Kirkwood (Never Been Kissed, Groove), and genre favorite Danielle Harris (Rob Zombie’s Halloween, Hatchet II).
Dig on the goods below, and for more make sure you check out the official site for The Victim.
Annie’s (Jennifer Blanc) life is in jeopardy after she’s witnessed the horrific rape and murder of her closest friend. Fleeing from two attackers (Ryan Honey, Denny Kirkwood), she stumbles across Kyle (Michael Biehn), a recluse living in the middle of the woods.
Kyle finds the stillness of the woods comforting. The ruggedly handsome loner stays far from civilization – that is, until a single knock on his door throws his solitary life into chaos.
Two worlds collide in this psychological thriller that will make you question your trust in mankind. WHO IS THE VICTIM?
The Victim – NSFW Work Trailer
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