DC’s The Devil’s Muse: Artist Spotlight – Janine Lister

Hello and welcome to The Devil’s Muse!
As you devoted readers well know by now, we love to bring you all sorts of artists here in The Devil’s Muse. We’ve had painters, sketch artists, musicians, bakers, sculptors, and more. Creativity abounds here in this small part of Dread Central.
This week we’ve got another artist whose creations are of a more edible nature.
Janine Lister is the owner of Janine Makes Cakes. Many of her products are perfectly suitable for your two year old cousin’s birthday, but Janine also has a more sinister side.
Her creations have been seen and enjoyed by many a familiar person such as, Kane Hodder, Adam Green, Gunnar Hansen, Bill Moseley, and Mick Garris just to name a few.
Take a gander at her tasty treats below, and if you’d like more then we’ve got the hook-up. As follows are Janine’s website, her Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. If you’d rather skip right to the good stuff, Janine also has a site devoted to her more horrific delicacies.
Thanks for reading and we’ll see you again soon with another Devil’s Muse!
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