Heaven And Hell Collide Again in The Unseen Darkness Rising

Back in 2015 we interviewed Bryan Revell about his new comic The Unseen, which was inspired by visions that he experienced after he committed suicide and was dead for a few minutes before being resuscitated and entering a coma for a few days. You can buy both physical and digital copies of the first volume of The Unseen on Amazon.
He’s now completed the second volume in the series, The Unseen “Darkness Rising”, and is raising funds on Creative Jump to get it printed ahead of its release date on May 5. Seeing as Bryan’s pretty much the only writer with first hand knowledge of the afterlife, I think it’s pretty important that you fund this book.
If you’re lucky enough to find yourself in Hilo, Hawaii, be sure to visit Bryan’s store Enjoy Comics, and learn more about his future titles on the site of his official publishing company.
The Unseen “Darkness Rising”
We are excited to bring you the second installment in the epic supernatural The Unseen series. The book is already finished and awaiting printing, and that’s where we need your help!
The Battle for the Sea of Souls is at an end. The time has come; Armageddon. God creates a new breed of angels. Since the dawn of man they have been influencing us, guiding us and protecting us. Once human, now immortal and carrying their lingering human emotions and free will, they are empowered beyond imagination to usher in the end of the world as we know it.
However, the devil plans for his own fallen to destroy or enslave the human race so that he may rule over all kingdoms. The rules that have applied for so many centuries are now void. To the victor go the spoils.
As the world plummets into sin and destruction, the only hope for our salvation is a pact of rebels lead by The Last Angels, each with their own gifts and powers from all walks of life. The rebels’ lives collide and intertwine here in a post-apocalyptic New York City. The evidence of the realm beyond the veil becomes so evident that no one can deny its existence. Nor the powers within, now free to act without limits or restraint, who wage war over us; The Sea of Souls.