The WTF Friday Video of the Week: Spider With a Human Face!

Even the title alone is enough to induce nightmares in many so what better way to kick off 2011 than with a video that will have you shivering, frightened, and disgusted all at the same time?
Now let’s get this straight … we don’t know what kind of arachnid this is. We don’t want to know either. In fact — all we want is for this thing to stay far the fuck away from us. Dig on the video below, and just try and get this living eight-legged real life Zanti Misfit out of your head.
Ladies and gentleman, start your itching!
Have a suggestion for our WTF Friday Video of the Week? Click my name below and send it on over. If it makes us giggle or just plain confuses us, we’ll include it! Rock on!
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Kick off your weekend in the comments section below!