DC’s The Devil’s Muse: Artist Spotlight – Santiago Caruso

Hello everyone! Welcome to this week’s spotlight of all things macabre and spooky in the art world.
The Devil’s Muse this time is Santiago Caruso, a fine artist who specializes in surrealism and the avant-garde.
A lot of his work has a deadly and horrific feel to it, which we knew would make it perfect for you dear readers!
Take a look at his pieces below, and let us know which one speaks to you in the comments! For more you can also click over to Caruso’s Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt, and his website.
Artist’s Bio:
Santiago Caruso is a symbolist artist of an avant-garde language, standing out for the vigor of its poetry and technique. Between 2005 and 2011, he collaborated with the magazines Caras y Caretas, Noticias, and Cinemania. He has also made book covers for Actes Sud, Valdemar, Random House, Tartarus Press, Nightshade Books, Dark Regions Press, and Planeta, among others. Also, he has created visual concepts of music albums for different bands in America and Europe. A member of the Beinart Surreal Art Collective since 2010, the artwork of Caruso is well represented in galleries and museums in Buenos Aires, the United States, United Kingdom, Slovakia, Mexico, and Spain.
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