Who Goes There Podcast: Episode 103 – The Gate

We’re a big bunch of softies here at the Who Goes There Podcast. We love our haomies; we love puppies and cuddles and walks down memory lane. We also like a pinky in the ol’ fudge factory on occasion, but that’s irrelevant.
We’re taking one of those walks down memory lane with one of our good haomies, ScarecrowOven, to circle jerk all over 1987’s “mysterious hole in the backyard” flick The Gate!
In addition, Jason’s out, Michael and Kenny are fuckin in! Waxworks wakes the beast, Fango folds, and fat folk make fabulous fucks! What?
Well, John, it’s been fun; but I got to go. I have a date with a 6-year-old boy, and you have a date with death! It’s the Who Goes There Podcast Episode 103!
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