Demons Abound in Forest of the Damned 2


Know what we like about cities? They have big buildings, lots of people, and more importantly, we’re not isolated from the outside world out in the sticks with the chance of demons, deformed inbred hillbillies, or flesh-eating mutants waiting to mangle us behind every tree. Still, the fresh air is quite alluring.

Below you’ll find the first trailer and a NSFW naughty image from Lonely Crow Productions’ sequel to Forest of the Damned, titled aptly enough Forest of the Damned 2, aka Demonic 2.

Ernest Riera’s terror tale tells the story of what happens … “When four couples travel to a remote island for a swingers weekend, Lucy’s biggest fear was that it would ruin her marriage; she didn’t realize that it could cost her her life, too.”

For more info dig on the official Forest of the Damned 2 website.

Demons Abound in Forest of the Damned 2

Uncle Creepy

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