Horrible Imaginings Podcast 169: Dreams in the Witch House, The Rock Opera

Although my tenure as co-director of the HP Lovecraft Film Festival Los Angeles came to an end this year when our franchise license wasn’t renewed, I can’t say I regret the number of amazing people I got to work with and meet along the way.
One such person is Mike Dalager, who has spent the last several years on an ambitious adaptation of Lovecraft’s chilling “Dreams in the Witch House” short story, and not just any adaptation–a rock opera!
This started out as a concept double LP, with a music video that played at Horrible Imaginings 2015. Now, Dalager is working on a cinematic adaptation of the concept album, and he has brought along new acting talent to do it. One such talent is actor Courtney Gains, whom many of my listeners will know well as Malachi from the 1984 Children of the Corn!
I got the chance to catch up with Mike and Courtney at San Diego Comic Fest this weekend, so I decided to record a conversation about the project, the new scope of the cinema version, Gains’ involvement, and the task of adapting Lovecraft to the over-the-top medium of the rock opera. The result is a fun and often hilarious conversation. Just mind the background noise, since we were recording on the vendor floor.
Oh, and want to hear Courtney Gains talk a little more about being Malachi? Our Patreon backers get access to some exclusive bonus content for subscribing at a mere $1 per month! Head over to our Patreon to subscribe and listen to bonus content! Click the logo:
If you are a filmmaker, we want to see your latest scares! Horrible Imaginings Film Festival is now accepting submissions! Submit today to the film festival Shant Hamassian, director of Night of the Slasher, says is “five stars across the board!” Horrible Imaginings Film Festival proudly accepts entries via FilmFreeway.com, the world’s best online submission platform. FilmFreeway offers free HD online screeners, unlimited video storage, digital press kits, and more. Click below to submit with FilmFreeway.
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