Horror History: Go Behind the Scenes of The Monster Squad

Who’s ready for a little throwback fun? The Stan Winston School website just shared some really neat behind-the-scenes images from the fan favorite flick The Monster Squad, and we have a smattering of them here for you. Be sure to hit up that link for the whole enchilada.
The film is largely populated by the beloved Universal Monsters, but of course the powers-that-be couldn’t use those iconic creatures in the movie, so they set out to include them… without including them!
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“The challenge was to suggest those classic creatures, without really copying them, because we didn’t have permission or the license to use those specific images. So we could do a ‘Gillman,’ for example, but it couldn’t look too much like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. It was frustrating for us at first because, of course, we wanted to do the original designs! But we couldn’t. We could only suggest those designs. So the Frankenstein monster looks a bit like the Karloff creature; but instead of bolts in the neck, he has bolts in the forehead. There was a certain percentage of changes we had to make to get away from any legal copyright infringement. Stan Winston designed each of the characters for The Monster Squad, drawing sketches that were evocative of the original monsters, but within the legal restrictions.”
And what a hell of a job he did! Bravo!