Ryan Murphy Talks American Horror Story Season 7

Recently THR caught up with showrunner Ryan Murphy to get the scoop on what’s temporarily being referred to as “American Horror Story: Election,” the seventh go-round for the titular series.
“‘American Horror Story’ is going to be about the election that we just went through,” said Murphy, “and what I’m interested in doing is not just the obvious, single-minded point of view but rather express all sides of that equation. What needs to happen in our country now is for people to listen to each other – we may not always agree with each other and we may be horrified by what the other side is doing, but we have to move toward understanding. So that’s one example of what I’m going to do.”
He added, “And then all of the stuff that I’m developing now is going to be about illuminating and highlighting people who don’t have a voice in our culture — people who are ignored by the current administration and who are afraid and feel terrorized that their lives are going to be taken away. I’m interested not just in writing about those people but also in using my financial means to give back to them as well.”
Season 7 begins filming in June. Sarah Paulson and Evan Peters will return. More as we get it!