DC’s The Devil’s Muse: Artist Spotlight – David Romero

Howdy, Dread Central fans; how are all of you on this grand day for art? We’re glad to have you back here again and excited to show you whose work we’ve got this week.
But first, a slight diversion. Love it or hate it, we’re sure you’ve heard of that dark little corner of the interwebs called… Creepypasta. Many a modern urban myth has slithered and crawled its way from Creepypasta. Some are of more notable notoriety like Slender Man, but there are still others like Ben Drowned and Smile Dog.
Much of our The Devil’s Muse’s work this week is inspired by Creepypastas, and thankfully they live up to their name ‘cause this stuff is creepy.
Introducing for your viewing pleasure: art from the mind of David Romero, otherwise known as Cinemamind.
Check out his work below, and let us know what your favorite(s) are in the comments! ‘Til the next Devil’s Muse, you can find more of Romero’s work on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, DeviantArt, Vimeo, and David’s blog.
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